Popups are small scripts that you copy into the main mirc directory, and load with a simple command line by typing /load -rs (filename you want to load). They end in .mrc. An example would be /load -rs greetings.mrc . They usually add a small popup box when you right click on someone's nick. There are various actions they perform, from funny greetings, sayings, and jokes right up to very nasty insults and kick messages. So be careful who you do what to. Simply left click on a popup below and "save as" or right click over any one of the following and "save target as". I don't know what all of these do, so I take no responsibility if they piss people off or screw up your computer. More will be added weekly...... Hopefully. LOL candy.mrc chatpop1.mrc clocks.mrc crazy.mrc flirt.mrc flowers.mrc greetings.mrc hotpops1.mrc popups2.mrc