menu nicklist { CANDY&DRINKS .CANDY ..StealMnMs:/Me steals $$1 M&Ms!!! 4(m) 12(m) 9(m) 8(m) 5(m) 13(m) ..Give someone M&Ms: /me 6gives 12 $$1 6Mini M&Ms!!! 4(m) 12(m) 9(m) 8(m) 5(m) 13(m) ..Hershey's: /me gives $$1 a Hershey Bar! 15,15O15,5HERSHEY15,15O $+ ! ..Treats:/me hands $$1 sweets 15,15.0,2L1,9I0,3F0,4E1,8S0,10A0,4V0,3E1,9R0,5S15,15., 115,15.21,9S0,3K0,4I1,8T0,10T0,4L0,3E1,9S15,15. , 15,15.0,2 PEP-O-MINT 15,15.3,0 , 15,15.5,5.5,4.40,5TootsieRoll4,44,4.5,5.15,15.10,0 , 3,015,15.15,5HERSHEY'S15,15. , 15,15l4,8<~Juicy-Fruit~>15,15.  13 for the sweet :) ..Tootsie:/me 7offers4 $$1 7some 15,15.5,5.4,4.40,5Tootsie Roll4,44,4.5,5.15,15.5's 7- they're so good! ..M&M's:/me 7 gives4 $$1 1,5.4,5:8,5:3,5:12,5:13,5:4,5:8,5:11,5:5,5.8,5M&M's3,5:3,5:4,5:8,5:11,5:13,5:4,5:7,5:1,5.12,0 5 enjoy my friend, the red ones bring luck, ya know ;) ..Pep-o-mint1:/me offers $$1 a pack of 15,15.0,2 PEP-O-MINT 15,15. enjoy !!!! ..Hersheys:/me offers $$1 a 15,15.15,5 HERSHEY'S 15,15. bar enjoy !!!! ..Juicy Fruit:/me offers $$1 a stick of 15,15l1,8<~Juicy-Fruit~>15,15l ..Dblmint:/me offers 4 $$1 10,0 a stick of 15,15l4,9<~ DoubleMint ~>15,15l ..candy:/me gives everyone a bunch of 15,15.0,2L1,9I0,3F0,4E1,8S0,10A0,4V0,3E1,9R0,5S15,15. 1, 15,15.1,9S0,3K0,4I1,8T0,10T0,4L0,3E1,9S, 15,15.0,2 PEP-O-MINT 15,15.3,0 and some 15,15.5,5.415,5HERSHEY'S4,45,5.15,15.10,0bars!!4ENJOY. ..peppermint:/me 2,2.0,12PepperMint2,2.2,0 $1 15,15.0,3SpearMint15,15.2,0 Sweet 3Hugs!! ..reeses:/me 5,5.4,4.8,4Reeses4,4.5,5.2,0 $1 5,5.4,4.8,4Reeses4,4.5,5.2,0 Sweet 3Hugs 6For 7 You! ..Spearmint:/me 15,15.0,3SpearMint15,15.2,0 $1 15,15.0,3SpearMint15,15.2,0 Sweet 3Hugs 6For 7 You! ..hershey:/me 15,15.15,5 HERSHEY'S15,15.2,0 $1 15,15.15,5 HERSHEY'S15,15.2,0 Sweet 3Hugs 6For 7 You! ..juicyFruit:/me 4,8 <~Juicy-Fruit~>8,8.2,0 $1 4,8 <~Juicy-Fruit~>8,8.2,0 Sweet 3Hugs 6For 7 You! ..tootieRoll:/me 5,5.4,4.0,5TootsieRoll4,4.5,5.2,0 $1 5,5.4,4.0,5TootsieRoll4,4.5,5.3,0Hugs6,0For7,0You! ..lifesaver:/me 15,15.0,12L1,9I0,3F0,4E1,8S0,10A0,4V0,3E1,9R0,5S15,15.2,0 $1 15,15.0,12L1,9I0,3F0,4E1,8S0,10A0,4V0,3E1,9R0,5S15,15.2,0 Sweet 3Hugs 6For 7 You! ..Cavities:/me 1Offers4 $$1 1a Hand Full Of 15,15.0,2L1,9I0,3F0,4E1,8S0,10A0,4V0,3E1,9R0,5S15,15.1, 15,15.1,9S0,3K0,4I1,8T0,10T0,4L0,3E1,9S, 15,15.0,2 PEP-O-MINT 15,15.3,0 1 and a 15,15.5,5.415,5HERSHEY'S4,45,5.15,15. 1 bar. 4 Enjoy! ..Lifesavers:/me 13shares her15,15.0,2L1,9I0,3F0,4E1,8S0,10A0,4V0,3E1,9R0,5S15,15. 13with 2 $$1 ..Breath!:/me says Here4 $$1, have a 15,15.0,2 PEP-O-MINT 15,15.1 to freshen that breath of yours.!!! ..Hershys:/me says Here4 $$1 $+ 1, Have a 15,15.5,5.415,5HERSHEY'S4,45,5.15,15.1 bar! ..PBCups:/me gives $$1 a pair of Reese Cups 14,14 15,15! 5 \^^^^^^^/ \^^^^^^^/ ..M&M:/me gives4 $$1 1,1.4,1:8,1:3,1:12,1:13,1:4,1:8,1:11,1:5,5.8,5M&M's8,1:13,1: a nice bag of M&M's ..HersheyKiss:/me 5offers Hershey Kisses to $$1 14/º\~ /º\~ /º\~ /º\~ /º\~ ..GumforAll:/me offers $$1 a stick of 15,15l1,8<~Juicy-Fruit~>15,15l4 $$2 10,0 a stick of 15,15l4,9<~ DoubleMint ~>15,15l $$3 15,15.1,3 Spearmint 15,15 $$4 15,15.0,4 Big*Red 15,15 but remember that 4 out of 7 dentists surveyed recommend 15,15l4,4l4,0 Dentyne 4,4l15,15l for their patients that chew gum! ..MnMs:/say gives4 $$1 1,1.4,1:8,1:3,1:12,1:13,1:4,1:8,1:11,1:5,5.8,5M&M's 8,1:13,1: savers:/say 13offers 15,15.0,2L1,9I0,3F0,4E1,8S0,10A0,4V0,3E1,9R0,5S15,15. 1to 2 $$1 - 10Sweets for the 4Sweet 1,8:) ..tootsy roll:/me 4gives 12 $$1 4a 15,15.0,0.4,4.0,5TootsieRoll4,4.0,0.15,15. ..juicy fruit:/me 3offers 12 $$1 3a stick of 15,15l1,8<~Juicy-Fruit~>15,15l ..skittles:/say offers $$1 some skittles | /say 4,4S8,8k9,9it12,12tl13,13e2,2s6,6!!!! | /say 4,4S8,8k9,9it12,12tl13,13e2,2s6,6!!!! | /say 4,4S8,8k9,9it12,12tl13,13e2,2s6,6!!!! | /say 4,4S8,8k9,9it12,12tl13,13e2,2s6,6!!!! | /say 4,4S8,8k9,9it12,12tl13,13e2,2s6,6!!!! | /say 4T11a9s12t13e 4T11h9e 12R13a4i11n9b12o13w! $$1 ..multiCandy kisses:/me 12hands out some candy kisses to4 $$1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15, $16, $17, $18, $19, $20  .DRINKS ..coke:/me goes for a 15,15I0,4 Coke 15,15I ..Coffee:/me 8,5__5P 8,5__5P 8,5__5P 8,5 Coffee for $$1 8,5__5P 8,5__5P 8,5__5P $+ ! ..Soda:/me pops open the cooler.. here $$1 take your pick.. 15,15!1,148,3MtDew15,15!...15,15!1,140,3 Sprite 15,15!.. 1,15 0,4 Coke 1,15... 15,15!1,140,3 74,3°0,3UP 15,15! ... 14,14!4,15P12,15e0,15p4,15s12,15i 1 ..7UP:/me passes out nice cold cans of 15,15!1,140,3 74,3°0,3UP 15,15! ..SevenUp:/me 7passes 3out 2nice 4cold 5cans 6of 15,15!1,140,3 74,3°0,3UP 15,15! ..7up:/me 0,3tosses  $$1  a 74,3°0,3up 0,0 1,8:) ..cocacola:/me 3offers 12 $$1 3 a 15,15I0,4 Coke 15,15I ..Pour coffee:/say 13is pouring Coffee for12 $$1 @(_)~~~~~ 13cream and sugar on the table.. .FOOD ..Pies:/me 6throws 5chocolate pies 6at 5...====[}...====[}...====[}6 $$1 5{]====...{]====...{]====... ..McDonald's:/me spares no expense and takes4 $$1 10,0 to 8,4 /¥\cDonalds ..multiCoffee and donuts:/me 4hands out some coffee and donuts to 12- $$1- $2- $3- $4- $5- $6- $7- $8- $9- $10- $11- $12- $13- $14- $15- $16- $17- $18- $19- $20 }